I've written about Python list magic in the past and here's another tip:
Say you wanna create a list based on some other list, possibly filtering out certain entries and/or modifying the ones you choose to include.
Rather than this:
result = []
for item in mylist:
if item > 5:
result.append( '%05d'%item )
give this a go next time:
result = [ '%05d'%item for item in mylist if item>5 ]
Pretty neat, huh? Obviously this works on all valid sources of list data:
print 'Modules with \'site\' in the name:\n%s'%'\n'.join( \
['%s : %s'%(name,module) for name,module in \
sys.modules.iteritems() if 'site' in name] )
Once we know this pattern it's fairly straightforward to create nested versions thereof, like this one straight out of a Maya script:
for attr in \
[ '%s%s'%(attr,dim) for attr in ['t','r','s'] \
for dim in ['x','y','z'] ]:
maya.cmds.connectAttr('%s.%s'%(sourceNode,attr), \
'%s.%s'%(targetNode,attr), f=True)
which combines two lists into one sequence of Maya attributes ['tx','ty','tz','rx','ry'... ] to connect between two nodes.
Expressive and neat, just the way I like it.
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